- Maxoderm is somewhat unique in the male enhancement market because it is a cream as opposed to a pill. This provides a number od advantages to the user. First, the application of a cream is a more efficient way of delivering the ingredients to the intended area. It has been proved that up to 95% of the active ingredients in male enhancement pills are dispersed by the body before reaching the inteded area. Since Maxoderm is used directly on the skin it is a far better choice. The next major advantage is that it's effects are almost immediate whereas pills have to be consumed for more than 4-6 weeks until results are noticed. In fact, 87% of users have reported noticing the effects within 5 minutes of application.
- Maxoderm is comprised of specially blended, 100% natural ingredients. The rewards here are twofold. First, there are no known side effects from using Maxoderm as directed. That being said, it is never a bad idea to check with your doctor if you have an existing medical condition. Also, because it is all natural and no prescription is necessary, you can save yourself an expensive and sometimes embarrassing trip to the physician to ask for a prescription.
- Maxoderm has been proven to produce thicker, stronger and longer lasting erections, even in men with mild forms of ED. While one-time use produces noticeable gains in this area, it is suggested that you use it for 8-12 weeks for these gains become more enduring.
- Since Maxoderm is a cream that needs to be applied you can allow your partner to participate. It can be made an intimate part of your foreplay. Your partner will typically find the slightly warming sensation and pleasant wintergreen scent as enjoyable as you do. Maxoderm also acts as an extra lubricant if you find that you need it.
- Maxoderm comes with a no questions asked, 100% satisfaction guaranty. If for any reason you are not pleased with the results you are experiencing, you have up to 90 days to ask for a full refund.
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